On Mobile

Easy and secure login management!


Proposal background


Recently, many security incidents have occurred due to security management problems in the organization,
and security for business PCs used by members of the organization is required to be strengthened.
As a result, TA-MAS uses member-owned mobile devices to increase user authentication reliability and manage devices used within the organization.
It is an integrated authentication management system developed to perform more efficiently.



Introduction Effect

At the time No need to enter account information

Integrated authentication process management for all terminals

TCO(Total Cost of Ownership) saving

Consistent Security Policy

In connection with a security system compliance with security policies

According to the level of security procedures eliminating discomfort

Schematic Diagram


기 구축된 보안 장비와 연동을 통해 보안 이벤트를 실시간으로 수집하여 추적 및 조치를 진행합니다.
이상 행위 PC 발견 시 즉시 조치 가능하며 증적PE파일도 수집합니다.