Convenient for both administrators and users

Next-generation Patch Management System



Need for Patch Management System


Many companies have centrally managed patches released to maintain internal security.
It is necessary to enable preemptive defense against security incidents such as hacking,
identify the current status of systems and applications, and induce patch search/management accordingly.
Currently, most companies are difficult to grasp and guide and manage installation.
Therefore, automatic/forced installation and update of patches, current status collection and statistics,
and a patch management system with high affinity with the existing environment are required.
The solution to solve this problem at once is TA-PRS,
the next-generation patch management system.

Introduction Effect

Active response to security vulnerabilities

Consistent security policy

Smooth management of recommended/prohibited SW

TCO(Total Cost of Ownership) Saving

Government privacy standards compliance with anti-malware provisions

Support for various patches
- Customer-required patch support

Screen Guidance

